공자는 '주역 계사상전 제11장'에서,"是故 蓍之德圓而神 卦之德方以知 六爻之義易以貢 聖人以此 洗心退藏於密 吉凶與民同患 神以知來 知以藏往 其孰能與於此哉 吉之聰明 叡知神武而不殺者夫"(그러므로 시초의 덕은 둥근 神이고, 괘의 덕은 모가 난 知이고, 6효는 義로 바뀌어 이바지한다. 성인이 이것으로써 마음을 씻고 물러나 감추어 은밀하고, 길흉은 백성과 더불어 근심한다. 神은 오는 것을 알고 知는 가는 것을 감추니, 그 누가 여기에 함께 하리오)라고 圓神을 설명한다.
Circular Shen(Being)
Kongzi in Zhouyi:Book of changes,Xi Ci I: The Great Treatise I, Chapter 11 said, “Therefore the virtue of the stalks is Circular Shen (Being); that of the diagrams is exact and wise; and the meaning given by the six lines is changeful to give Yi (the proper information to men). The sages having, by their possession of these, cleansed their minds, retired and laid them up in the secrecy. But their sympathies were with the people in regard both to their good fortune and evil. By their Shen ( Being) they knew coming events, and their wisdom had stored up the past. Who could be able to accomplish all this?” It explains the meaning of the Circular Shen(Being).
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