2008년 5월 10일 토요일


구유구는 '황제내경 천원기대론'에서,"物生謂之化 物極謂之變 陰陽不測謂之神 神用無方謂之聖"(物이 生함을 化라 하고, 物이 極함을 變이라 한다. 음양을 헤아릴 수 없는 것을 神이라 하고, 神을 용함에 方이 없음을 聖이라 합니다)라고 化變神聖을 정명한다.

Transformation, Change, Subtle being and Sage
Gui yuqu in Tianyuanji Dalunpian: Major Discussion on the Law of Motions and Changes in Nature, said, “The beginning of things is called Hua (transformation),the extreme development of things is called Bian(change),the undetectable of Yin and Yang is called Shen(Being )and those who can master and control such a Shen(Shen) is called Sheng(sage)." It rectifies the names of Hua (transformation), Bian(change), Shen (being) and Sheng(sage).

鬼臾区在黄帝内经素问,天元纪大论里说,“事物的生长叫做化,发展到极点叫做变,难以探测的阴阳变化叫做神,能够掌握和运用这种无穷变化原则的人,叫做圣.” 正名化變神聖。

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