기백은 '황제내경 소문 6미지대론'에서,"氣有勝復 勝復之作 有德有化 有用有變 變則邪氣居之"(기는 勝復이 있습니다. 승부가 이루어지면 德에는 化가 있고, 用에는 變이 있습니다. 變은 邪氣가 있게 됩니다)라고 승부에 의해 德, 化, 用, 變이 있고 邪氣도 있다.
De, Hua, Yong and Bian
Qibo in Liuweizhi Dalunpian: Major Discussion on the Abstruseness of the Six Kinds of Qi, Huangdineijingsuwen said: “Qi is marked by predominationand recycle. The alternation of predomination and recycle result in De(influence of normal changes of weather on all thethings in the natural world),Hua(transformation),Yong(application)and Bian(changes).Abnormal changes of things produce Xieqi(Evil-Qi).”There are De(influence of normal changes of weather on all thethings in the natural world),Hua(transformation),Yong(application), Bian(changes) and Xieqi(Evil-Qi)through the alternation of predomination and recycle.
岐伯在黄帝内经,六微旨大论说:“气都有胜气和复气。胜气和复气的不断发作,使气有(德)的功用,有生(化)的性能,使气有(用)的功用,有生化的(变),有异常的(变)化,变化就要产生邪气。”按者胜气和复气, 产生德,化,用, 变 亦有邪气。
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