기백은 '황제내경 5운행대론'에서,"從其氣則和 違其氣則病 不當其位者病 迭移其位者病 失守其位者危 尺寸反者死 陰陽交者死"(그 氣에 從하는 것이 和이고, 그 氣를 거스르는 것은 病이다. 그 位가 부당하면 病이 되고, 그 位를 옮겨 바꾸면 病이 되며, 그 位를 지키지 못하면 危합니다. 尺寸이 反하면 死하고, 음양이 바뀌면 死합니다)라고 和病危死를 설명한다.
Harmony, Disease, Severity and Death
Qibo in Wuyunxing Dalunpian: Major Discussion on the Changes of Five-Motions, Huangdineijing,Suwen said:“Abidance by its Qi brings forth harmony while violation of it leads to disease.If the one does not appear in the right region, it leads to disease; if one has changed the locations, it leads to disease;if one has lost its position, it indicates that the disease is severe; if the Chi-Pulse and Cun-Pulse appear in the opposite positions,it indicates impending death; alternation of pulse on the Yin and Yang indicates impending death.
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