기백은 '황제내경 6미지대론'에서,"出入廢 則神機化滅 升降息 則氣立孤危 故非出入則無以生長壯老已 非升降 則無以生長化收藏 是以升降出入 無器不用 故器者 生化之宇 器散則分之 生化息矣 故無不出入 無不升降"(출입이 닫히면 신기의 化가 滅하여 승강이 그치며 氣가 홀로 위태롭게 서게 됩니다. 그러므로 출입하지 못하면 생장장노가 없게 됩니다. 승강하지 못하면 생장화수장이 될 수 없습니다. 승강출입은 器가 없이는 不用합니다. 그러므로 器는 생화하는 宇가 됩니다. 器가 散하면 나누어지고 생화가 그치게 되므로 출입할 수 없고 승강할 수도 없게 됩니다)라고 器 사용의 중요성을 설명한다.
Yong (application) of Qi (ware)
Qibo in Liuweizhi Dalunpian: Major Discussion on the Abstruseness of the Six Kinds of Qi, Huangdineijingsuwen said: “Stoppage of going out and coming inindicates Shenji(colomn of Being);the stoppage of ascentand descent means loss of Qili(origination of Qi).Without the activities of going out and coming in, there will be no such activities as birth, growth, maturity, senility and death;without the activities of ascent and descent, there will be no such activities as
germination, growth, transformation, reaping and storage.So the activities of ascent, descent, going out andcoming in exist in everything. In this sense, Ware(body) are the places where growth and transformation take place.Whenthings fall apart, the activities of growth and transformation stop. Thus nothing can exist without the activities of going out,coming in, ascent and descent.” It explains the importance of the Yong (application) of Qi (ware).
岐伯在黄帝内经,六微旨大论说:“若出入的功能废止了,则神机毁灭;若升降的作用停息了,则气立危亡。因此,没有出入,也就不会有发生、成长、壮实、衰老与灭亡;没有升降,也就不会有发生、成长、变化、收敛与闭藏。所以没有一种物体不具备升降出入的。因而物体就像是生化之器,如果形体解散,生化也就熄灭了。因此,任何物体无不存有出入升降之机.” 解释使用器的意义。
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