2008년 6월 25일 수요일


기백은 '황제내경 소문 기교변대론'에서,"天地之變動 固不常在 而德化政令災變 不同其候也"(천지변동은 상에 고정된 것이 아니고 덕화정령이 재앙의 변을 가져오므로 그 候가 같지 않습니다)라고 덕화정령으로 候가 같지 않고, 또한 "東方生風 風生木 其德敷和 其化生榮 其政舒啓 其令風 其變振發 其災散落"(동방은 풍을 낳고 풍은 木을 낳습니다. 德은 和를 들어내고 化는 번성함을 낳으며 政은 펼쳐 열며 그 令은 풍입니다. 그 變은 떨쳐 나타나며 災은 흩어져 떨어집니다)라고 동방을 설명하며, 또한, "南方生熱 熱生火 其德彰顯 其化蕃茂 其政明曜 其令熱 其變銷爍 其災燔焫"(남방은 열을 낳고 열은 火를 낳습니다. 德은 밝게 빛나고 化는 무성하며 政은 밝고 令은 열입니다. 그 變은 태워 녹이며 그 재앙은 태워서 굽습니다)라고 남방을 설명하며,
또한, "中央生濕 濕生土 其德溽蒸 其化豊備 其政安靜 其令濕 其變驟注 其災霖潰"(중앙은 습을 낳고 습은 土를 낳습니다. 德은 무더워 찌며 化는 풍부하게 갖추고 政은 편안하며 令은 습입니다. 그 變은 자주 물을 흘러내리며 그 재앙은 장마로 무너지게 됩니다)라고 중앙을 설명하며,
또한, "西方生燥 燥生金 其德淸潔 其化緊斂 其政勁切 其令燥 其變肅殺 其災蒼隕"(서방은 조를 낳고 조는 金을 낳습니다. 德은 맑고 깨끗하며 化는 줄여서 거두며 政은 날카로워 끓으며 令은 조합니다. 그 變은 숙살시키는 것이며 재앙은 푸른 채 시들어 버립니다)라고 서방을 설명하며, 또한, "北方生寒 寒生水 其德凄滄 其化淸謐 其政凝肅 其令寒 其變洌凓 其災雹霜雪"(북방은 한을 낳고 한은 水를 낳습니다. 德은 차갑고 추우며 化는 맑고 고요하며 政은 엉켜서 숙살시키며 令은 寒입니다. 그 變은 차가우며 그 재앙은 얼음, 우박, 서리, 눈입니다)라고 북방을 설명하며, 또한,"是以察其動也 有德有化 有政有令 有變有災 而物由之 而人應之也"(이것으로 그 움직임을 살펴보면 덕화, 정령, 변재가 있어서 만물이 거기에 연유되고 사람은 거기에 응합니다)라고 德化, 政令, 變災를 각 방위로 설명합니다.

De (function),Hua(transformation),Zheng(administration),Ling(order),Bian(change)and Zai (harm)
Qibo in Huangdineijing suwen, Wuyunxing Dalunpian: Major Discussion on the Changes of Five-motions said, “It is true that the disorder of Qi does not follow certain rules. But its De (function),Hua(transformation),Zheng(administration)and Ling(order) brings about Bian(change)of Zai (harm) that the predictions are different. ” Also "The east produces wind and wind promotes wood. So its De (function) is to distribute harmony, its transformation is to promote the development of things,its administration is to free the activity of things,its order is to blow wind, its change is to quake and activate, and its harm is to desolate.”Also“The south generates heat and heat produces fire. So itsfunction is to demonstrate, its transformation is to make things luxuriantly, its administration is to shine, its order is to generate heat, its change is to flame and its harm is to scorch.”Also“The central region generates dampness and dampness promotes Qi of the earth. So its function is to heat with dampness, its transformation is to enrich and prepare for the development of things,its administration is to tranquilize things,its order is to generate dampness, its change is to cause storm, and its harm is continuous rain and collapse of earth.”Also“The west generates dryness and dryness produces metal. So its function is to depurate, its transformation is to astringe,its administration is to strengthen things,its order is to dry, its change is to desolate and its harm is to perish.”Also“The north generates coldness and coldness generates water. So its function is to produce coldness, its transformation is to cool and tranquilize things,its administration is to make things solid and neat, its order is to demonstrate coldness, its change is extreme cold and its harm is to produce ice, snow,frost and hailstone.”It explains the DeHua(function and transformation), ZhengLing (administration and order) and BianZai (change and harm) in each directions.

岐伯在黄帝内经素问,气交变大论里说,“天地的变动,固然没有一定的常规。然而德、化、政、令和异常的灾、变,却有不同的反映。 而且“风生于东方,风能使木气旺盛,其特性为敷布温和之气,其化为滋生繁荣,其政为舒展开发,其令为风,其变为振撼发动,其灾为飘零散落。南方生热,热能使火气旺盛,其特性为光明显耀,其化为繁荣茂盛,其政为光明照耀,其令为热,其变为毁灭灼烁,其灾为焚烧。中央生湿,湿使土气旺盛,其特性为湿热并用,其化为丰满完备,其政为静谧,其令为湿,其变为暴雨倾注,其灾为淫雨溃败。西方生燥,燥能使金气旺盛,其特性为清洁,其化为紧缩收敛,其政为刚劲急切,其令为燥,其变为肃杀,其灾为青干凋落。北方生寒,寒能使水气旺盛,其特性为凄凉寒冷,其化为清静安谧,其政为凝固严厉,其令为寒冷,其变为凛冽,其灾为冰雹霜雪。所以观察其运动情况,有德、化、政、令等正常气候,有变、灾等异常气候,而万物与之相应,人也与之相应。”这解释各个方位的德化,政令, 變災。

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