기백은 '황제내경 소문 6미지대론'에서,"此所謂氣之標 蓋南面而待也 故曰 因天之序 盛衰之時 移光定位 正立而待 此之謂也"(이것은 氣의 標를 말한 것인데 대개 南面하여 기다립니다. 고로 하늘의 序로 인해 盛衰의 時입니다. 빛을 바꾸며 자리를 정하고 바로 서서 기다리는 것은 이것을 말합니다)라고 성쇠의 時를 설명한다.
Time of Wane and Wax
Qibo in Liuweizhi Dalunpian: Major Discussion on the Abstruseness of the Six Kinds of Qi, Huangdineijingsuwen said: “These are the Biao of Qi and the directions that one finds when facing the south.That is why it is said that the position can be decided according to the order of the heavens and the time of Wane and Wax as well as the movement of light when one stands. This is just the reason.”It explains the time of Wane and Wax.
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