기백은 '황제내경 소문 6원정기대론'에서,"數之始 起于上而終于下 歲半之前 天氣主之 歲半之後 地氣主之 上下交互 氣交主之 歲紀畢矣 故曰位時氣月可知乎 所謂氣也"(數의 시작은 위에서 일어나고 아래에서 마칩니다. 歲半의 앞은 천기가 주관하고 歲半의 뒤는 지기가 주관합니다. 상하가 서로 사귀니 기의 사귐을 주관하고, 세기를 마칩니다. 그러므로 일러 位, 時, 氣月임을 알 수 있으니 이른바 氣입니다)라고 위치, 시령, 기의 월령을 설명한다.
Position, Time, the terms of Qi
Qibo in in Liuyuan Zhengji Dalunpian: Major Discussion on the Progress of the Six Climatic Changes said, “The beginning of the Number starts from the Upper and terminates at the Lower.During the first half of the year, Tianqi(the Qi thatdominates the heavens)controls the movement of Qi:during the last half of the year, Diqi(the Qi that is in the Spring)governs the movement of Qi.The phase at which the Upper and the Lower interact with each other is controlled by the Convergence of Qi.This is the order of Qi in a year. That is why it is said that understanding of movements can enable one to know the correspondence of position, time, Qi and month in a year.Such is the way that Qi moves.” It explains the significance of position, time, and the solar terms of Qi.
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